A man’s chest is often associated with his strength and masculinity. However, many physically fit men cannot achieve a muscular, toned chest due to excess fat and tissue in the breasts. Gynecomastia can cause significant embarrassment and self-consciousness. It’s estimated that as many as 40% of men have enlarged breasts, they just don’t talk about it or do anything to correct it.

Male breast reduction surgery performed by Vanessa Voge, MD can restore a firm and fit chest and provide life-changing results.

If you’re ready to go shirtless at the pool again, schedule your free consultation with Dr. Voge today at 316-263-0234.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Wichita, KS

There are many options for chest surgery. Dr. Voge will discuss the cause of gynecomastia and base her treatment plan on that along with the outcome you desire. If breast volume is due to excess fat, liposuction can sometimes achieve the desired results. Excision is necessary if excess skin must be removed or the nipple needs repositioned to achieve the desired results. While most incision lines are hidden within natural contours, some may be visible.

Most men return home the same day as their male breast reduction surgery and to work within a week or less. A compression garment may need to be worn for several weeks after having plastic surgery.

If you’re ready to go shirtless at the pool again, schedule your free consultation with Dr. Voge today at 316-263-0234.

Male Breast Reduction
Male Breast Reduction
Male Liposuction
Liposuction For Men